40 days and 40 nights (pt1)
A plastic free Lent, an easy challenge you might think. Well this is where we find out just what we (and our packaging) are made of.
I always thought we lived with a reasonably small carbon foot print but it wasn’t until Eliot started forest school that i started to question just what damage we are causing. Since this time we have been making small adjustments in our lives, moving towards going zero waste. So this is the big step, a plastic detox and step away from a ‘convenient’ lifestyle. Easy, right?
The more we have tried to cut back over the last few months, the more we noticed just how much of our plastic waste comes from food. Needless to say, we were a little shocked. Oranges packed in a convenient 6. Mushrooms housed under plastic wrapping and salad greens in clear little baggies. It seemed ironic that the one thing that should keep us healthy is slowly killing our planet.
Cutting food plastics has been a big struggle especially with working full time and not ‘having’ the time or energy to do multiple shop stops to get everything that we need.
“I fear i will need more storage jars”
- momma roam
The most useful tool we’ve found is a meal planning book, more on this in another post. This helps us, not only too budget (we aim for £50pw) but also to not overbuy. We all know how easy and cheap it is to pick up a multi or big pack of something knowing full well that you’ll probably only use half off it before it turns mushy or fury in the back of the fridge. Those bags of well meaning salad that almost walk theirselves to the bin.
Bigger packs are often cheaper but what you may save on that item you can easily make back on others. This is an interesting balancing act and one we’ll look at in further detail while buying our loose items from our favourite local Zero waste stores.
So hear the journey begins, The big “clear out and organise”, wish me luck!