Food Allergies On The Road
A Snippet Of An Everyday Struggle
In a town so full of independents I’m once again sat in a pretty major chain, why? Because I know I can eat here in relative safety with easy access to the information that I need.
I, like a growing number of you, have a range of food allergies and intolerances and have to stick to quite a controlled diet. Our daughter is also Gluten intolerant which throws up other complications in itself.
This unfortunately can make our ad-hoc adventuring a little tricky as you can well imagine. We find ourselves having to pre-pack food and snacks just incase there are no suitable options available in the places we find. You’ll see us picnicking a lot during our travels, often out of choice but sometimes out of necessity
We love to support independents as much as we can but as many that we stumble across have limited options it can be a real struggle when we are on the road. Sadly my own food issues go much further than GF so often I end up having to compromise my own health to find lunch or eat a light meal with my family.
Yes, I’m ‘that’ person who will quiz staff and ask about alternative possibilities and trawl through allergy cards. Yes, I will always have something in my bag incase i can’t be accommodated (but the rest of our group can). and yes, sometimes, I will be the one that gets a little short when people can’t give me straight answers about how food and, more specifically, allergies are handled.
Here are a few tips for dealing with allergies and intolerances on the road.
Plan you route, don’t get stuck without possible options.
Make the most of local knowledge. Ask around, local online communities can be a great resource.
Don’t be afraid to ask. No matter how silly you feel the question may be.
Be honest with the staff from the moment you arrive, make them aware so they can put their process in place (hopefully they have one).
Be patient, it might take a few minutes for staff to answer your questions.
Do your research, a lot of places have online menus and info.
Call ahead, this takes away a little spontaneity but saves stress on all sides and sometimes even gives you a little something to look forward too.
Be open to suggestions and alternatives, they might not be able to offer exactly what you want but if you are both flexible there’s normally a solution.
Speak directly to the kitchen team if possible, they should know everything necessary.
If you are unconvinced, walk away. Don’t feel obliged if you don’t feel that you are being taken seriously.
If all else fails, high energy snacks will keep you going a few hours longer.
Accidents happen, always give people a chance to rectify their mistakes.
And most importantly, no matter how hangry you are, be nice, you will get much further with a calm smile than by shouting about how bad something is
ALWAYS CARRY YOUR MEDICATION, this is so important wether on the road or not.
Saying all this, we have come across some fantastic places with wonderful staff and owners who have been more than accommodating, we will be introducing you to some of these as we post more of our adventures.
Are there any local food hero’s that you recommend? Who shall we hit up on our travels?